`Painfully funny. The pain and the funniness somehow add up to something entirely good, entirely noble and entirely loveable.' - Stephen Fry The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller and Humour Book of the Year Winner of the Books Are My Bag Book of the Year Winner of iBooks' Book of the Year Welcome to the life of a junior doctor: 97-hour weeks, life and death decisions, a constant tsunami of bodily fluids, and the hospital parking meter earns more than you. Scribbled in secret after endless days, sleepless nights and missed weekends, Adam Kay's This is Going to Hurt provides a no-holds-barred account of his time on the NHS front line. Hilarious, horrifying and heartbreaking, this diary is everything you wanted to know - and more than a few things you didn't - about life on and off the hospital ward. As seen on ITV's Zoe Ball Book Club. This edition includes extra diary entries and a new afterword by the author. What I like about this is it's not written by an old pro giving you his views after 30 years, but by a young man who faced all the problems of a modern NHS. Great fun, and a damn good read. -- Jeffrey Archer * Daily Mail * Hilariously gruesome anecdotes from a comedian and former junior doctor about working 97-hour weeks and life on the NHS frontline. * The Times, The 100 best books to read this summer * We know that junior doctors have it rough. But it takes Kay's account of his 97-hour-week struggle to see just how rough. There are many hilariously gruesome anecdotes in this book. Some, such as the time "an extremely posh" patient arrives in the antenatal clinic, are just hilarious: "Her extremely posh eight-year-old asks her a question about the economy (!), and before she answers, she asks her extremely posh five-year-old, `Do you know what the economy is, darling?' `Yes, Mummy. It's the part of the plane that's terrible.' " -- Matt Rudd * The Times * Adam Kay's This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor is a mirthful account of horrendous everyday events in an English hospital's `brats and twats' (obstetrics and gynaecology) department, but also, with its `Open Letter to the Secretary of State for Health', a poignant condemnation of the political exploitation of junior doctors. -- Graham Robb * Spectator * And This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay is not just laugh-out-loud funny, but precise, upsetting, and utterly sobering for anyone at all connected with the NHS. -- Jenny Colgan * Spectator * This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor by Adam Kay is so clinically funny and politically important for supporters of the NHS that it should be given out on prescription. -- Mark Lawson * Guardian * Uniquely funny and unexpectedly heartbreaking -- Adam Hills Kay intersperses horror stories from the NHS front line with blissfully brilliant wordplay * Daily Mail * Brutally funny . . . jaw-dropping * New Statesman * At once hilarious and shocking, moving and irreverent, This Is Going to Hurt is a book that demands to be read. Adam Kay's deft comic tone is a brilliant counterpoint to his most serious of intents: to impress upon us the importance of the NHS in our lives and the irreversible damage being inflicted upon it by indifferent governments. -- Maggie O'Farrell All of human life is contained in these diaries . . . hilarious, horrifying * Prima * Brilliant -- Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time This is a brilliant book -- Russell Howard Laugh-out-loud funny . . . I found myself laughing in horror over and over, but Kay's poignant final act brought me to tears. This is a valuable window into the life of a junior doctor that should be required reading for all -- Sarah Shaffi * Stylist * Hilarious . . . a complete eye-opener * Red * A heartening, laugh-out-loud confessional on the indignities and quiet joys of being a junior doctor . . . Anchoring the wisecracks is Kay's heartfelt respect for Britain's junior doctors and the ignoble realities of a noble profession. At a time of anxiety over the future of the NHS, Kay's warts-and-all account will not only bring plenty of laughs but also delivers a moving report from the NHS's embattled frontline' * Financial Times * Funny, tragic, uplifting and brimming with bodily fluids (sorry) . . . Kay makes for a compelling bedfellow as he explores the terrifying world of the amazing men and women (just about) holding the NHS together -- Francesca Brown * Stylist * Stayed up half the night laughing out loud over painfully smart, honest doctor diaries -- Emma Donoghue, author of Room Things I have done while reading this book: laughed aloud (too many times to count), read a passage to a stranger on a train (this was perhaps inadvisable but could not be helped), been consistently bowled over by the detail of Dr Kay's sharp prose & remarkably observant journey in a job so many of us have no real understanding of. It's an important book, a boots-on-the-ground memoir to its title-but it's a good hurt I was left with upon turning the last page, the kind that resonates with empathy and consequence -- Ryan Gattis, author of Safe and All Involved Hilarious, poignant, depressing and shocking. Kay is such a brilliantly talented writer he manages to be both deadly serious and hilarious at the same time. Piles of this book should be in every GP surgery waiting room and A&E department in the country. Heartbreaking, dazzling, brutally honest -- Bridget Christie An urgent, devastating yet truly funny account of life at the coalface of the NHS. This Is Going to Hurt had me laughing, crying and open-mouthed - in horror and in awe - by turn of page -- Lisa Owens, author of Not Working This made me laugh out loud and cry in equal measures. Adam's book weaves in and out of his patients' lives and in so doing he tells, in a better narrative than I have ever seen before, of the pain and joy of working so close to despair, disease and death. It's a quite brilliant book and will soothe the sorrows of many junior (and senior) doctors and remind us all why we entered this wonderful profession. A must read for patients too - lifting the bonnet on the working life of your jobbing hospital doctor -- Prof Clare Gerada MBE, past chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners Hilarious from the first page - very, very funny. I loved it -- Kit Wharton, author of Emergency Admissions This should be required reading for anyone who works in, uses or even voices an opinion about the NHS. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll laugh some more, you'll think twice about ever reproducing -- Dean Burnett, author of The Idiot Brain By turns witty, gruesome, alarming, and touching. Always illuminating and searingly honest -- Jonathan Dimbleby Superb. Unusual and funny and sad -- Pam Ayres What a hilarious, stomach-churning, thought-provoking heartbreaker of a book. I loved every single page -- Jill Mansell If we lose the NHS, Adam Kay's diary of his him as a junior doctor will become a historical record of a unique, empathy-powered machine, and make it not just one of the funniest books I've ever read, but one of the saddest, too -- David Whitehouse A scurrilously funny, poignant and fascinatingly horrific tale of being torn to pieces and spat out by the strangely loveable but graceless monster that is the NHS -- Milton Jones As a hypochondriac I was worried about reading Adam Kay's book. Luckily it's incredibly funny - so funny, in fact, that it gave me a hernia from laughing -- Joe Lycett This is a ferociously funny book, but beneath the sheen of brilliant one-liners is a passionate, acutely personal examination of what the health service does for us, and what we're in danger of doing to it -- Mark Watson Horrifyingly hilarious and hilariously horrifying -- Danny Wallace Much like the NHS itself, this book is filled with hope, despair, miracles, catastrophe and acres of the sharpest gallows humour. A very funny book with a ve
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